Your school has taken the critical step to protect your community by installing the ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning EEW) System. Your school is now Powered by ShakeAlert! This new safety tool could give your staff and students seconds of warning to Drop, Cover, and Hold On before damaging shaking from an earthquake reaches you.
Intentional, inclusive, and ongoing education to all members of your school community is vital to EEW’s effectiveness. The goal for everyone to Drop, Cover, and Hold On when they feel shaking or receive an EEW alert immediately and without hesitation requires ongoing practice.
To help enhance the safety of your community, the U.S. Geological Survey and ShakeAlert partners in California, Oregon, and Washington are providing these resources.
ShakeAlert Ready Resources
ShakeAlert-powered Earthquake Drill
ShakeAlert Ready – K-12 School Communities is for the entire school community. Partnership coordinators Katrina Arras ( and Roger Groom ( provide cost-free assistance in planning or implementing your ShakeAlert Ready plan. Services they offer include presenting at parent group meetings, professional development gatherings, staff meetings, or working with staff to prepare or model activities. Feel free to share ideas about the EEW resources that would be helpful in your school community!
Now that your school is Powered by ShakeAlert, let’s work together to provide awareness, learning, and increased resilience for all members of your school community.
Explore additional ShakeAlert resources on